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Meet Shayne 'Croc' Savage

I am committed to providing an honest and reliable service to you, the Queensland home or business owner that wants to save money from rising power costs.


My name is Shayne Savage.


I am an ex-Soldier. Leaving the Army and needing to fit back into the 'real world' was a huge challenge, a friend that I served with offered me work until I got back on my feet. He is an electrician and I was installing solar panels with him in his business. He has been installing solar panels now for around five years. Every time we went to a house  to fit or service panels, I would  see dirty panels, affected by dust, grime and bird dropping. At most of these services we would get asked about cleaning panels and if we knew anyone that did it.


Recognising an opportunity locally, I went to Dubai and met with companies there to see what they do to combat the dust and salt spray issues on their panels.


I was shown a Resin filter system that uses no chemicals. Cleaning with chemicals will damage the panels after a period of time and void your warranty. This seemed an ideal system to provide safe, environmentally friendly cleaning solutions to householders in Queensland. On my return to Australia I sourced a contact in Melbourne and I now use the same system that they use in Dubai.


This is a very effective system that doesn't damage the panels. After the clean you will get at minimum, 25% better efficiency. The added bonus with not using chemicals is that if you are on tank water it is ok to leave the down pipe hooked up and the dust will settle to the bottom of the tank as it does naturally with rainwater run off.


I am passionate about my career, and passionate about helping you get the best results from your solar panels. I am not here for a short time,  I am here for the long haul and will hopefully hand a very successful business down to my son to carry on my honest and reliable work, with my loyal customers.


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